Our Program
Located in Indian Hill Park, Winnetka. Haven’s YO is a free after school drop-in center for 8th-12th graders. Open 3:30-5:30 five days a week, the YO provides a welcoming environment to all teens.
Structured programs are offered daily and include: cultural humility, volunteering, creative arts, health discussion groups, youth leadership board, academics, community service, mental health check-ins and recreation.
Our Mission
To develop a supportive, fun, and welcoming environment where teens’ feelings are validated and acknowledged. We engage alongside teens to help them develop the resilience and self-awareness needed to face the challenges of adolescence and beyond.
Our Vision
For every teen to find a space where they are valued as capable, empowered, and thoughtful community members and can find a peer support system outside of school.
Our Staff
The youth organization is overseen by a full-time Drop-In Manager, with skilled staff including volunteers, interns, and part-time paid youth workers. These staff are either pursuing or have already obtained undergraduate or graduate degrees in Social Work or Psychology.
Our Youth Leadership Board
The Warming House and Haven’s YO Youth Leadership Board is a platform where 6th-12th graders work together as a governing body of the Center to plan programs, assist with fundraisers, recruit teens to the Center, and spread community awareness. Teens build leadership skills, engage in team building, and help guide the vision of the Drop-in centers.
Our Member Benefits
- Development and enhancement of leadership skills
- Monthly volunteer opportunities
- Recognition of membership on Warming House website
- Giving back to the community and being part of the next generation of Drop-in leadership
- Resume builder for college applications
Our Expectations
- Attend weekly Youth Leadership Board meetings
- Promote and attend annual Board fundraising events
- Participate in 6 (or more) volunteer activities annually
- Co-facilitate 1 program monthly
- Promote and attend all Youth Leadership Board fundraisers
- Assist in outreach efforts to local schools
How to Find Us
Address: 131 Wilson Street, Winnetka, IL 60093
It is located in the building at Indian Hill Park.
Help support The Youth Organization

Dear Friends of the youth – organization,
We really need your help!
The youth – organization relies significantly on community support and over its forty-four years the local support has been generous and consistent. Over $100,000 has to be raised every year to meet our operating budget. Without your generosity we cannot continue to offer outstanding programs and support to our area teens.
The youth – organization is extraordinary and unique in what we do for local teens. Not only is it a safe, comfortable, and supervised place to hang out, but it is a place that provides myriad opportunities for teen leadership development, cultural events, avenues for community service, a place to study and learn with friends, and much more…
And, all these activities are supervised by experienced, professional social workers who can help teens think and talk through issues that they might have trouble talking to friends and parents about. The youth – organization has been in existence since the early 1970’s because it is truly a treasure, and one that has favorably influenced so many young teens’ lives in our community. Here’s what some of them had to say:
“The most special thing about the youth – organization is that you can ask the staff ANY question you want…. and they’re there to help you work toward your own answer.”
“To me the youth – organization is more than a place to just hang out; it’s a place to socialize with old friends and meet new people I otherwise would not have known or talked to.”
“Over the last 3 years, the youth – organization has been one of my favorite places to hang out with friends and to spend my free time.”
“The youth – organization is much more than just a place to play video games; I met new friends and joined Youth Board. Through Youth Board, I’m getting experience with planning and making decisions.”
“All in all, my experience at the youth – organization has been really fun, and makes a big difference in my life outside of school.”
Please consider making a donation using Paypal, the donate button below, or by sending a check to the youth – organization at
131 Wilson Street Winnetka IL 60093.
Thank you very much!
Grace McManus, BA (she/her)
Drop-In Program Director

Ways to Support Us
Wish List
We are in need of the following items:
- New or gently used computers
- Video Games
- Video Game Systems
- Movies
- Stereo Equipment
Volunteers are involved in many aspects of running the Warming House. Contact us to find out how to get involved!
Contact Warming House
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